Hi, i'm a student working on a paper about he
commerical and artistic uses of the airbrush. I saw your
beautiful works on coastairbrush.com and was wondering if your
could enlighten this student with your expertise.
Why did you chose
the airbrush over the paintbrush?
This has a huge story behind the reason and you can find alot
more details for reference here in each article
(except the bass magazine which is a story of why I
became a musician)
I picked up the airbrush back in 1980 because back then you didn't
have the advances in photoshop or computers at all period until
1984 or so and those machines were so primitive it tooks hours
to do things on them
The only way you could achieve an absolutely smooth graduated
color that evenly and smoothly blended together could only be
by only several different artistic techinques that I could afford
1) airbrush 2) silkscreen or 3) painstakingly tedious brushstroking.
I absolutely loved the beauty of the airbrushed album covers
of the day and was a huge source or inspiration and having friends
with loads of albums covers served also as a retrieveable catalog
of art since there was no internet. Here are some examples
of early airbrush album work
Airbrushes were expensive, rare and it was like a mystery how
they worked. Almost like a modern day Merlin of Camelot
these pioneering airbrushers of the era were. Luckily a
friend had an old piece of crap airbrush he lent to me to airbrush
a surfboard I was working on at the time to see if I could make
it do anything more than he could. I limped through this
first airbrush experienced as it spattered and spewed and made
wierd noises and the compressor was hissing from bad connections
and making tons of noises that threw off your concentration and
focus. Cleaned and Re-cleaned the damn thing not knowing
what to expect and Then it happened!.......I finally got a smooth
stream of perfectly flowing airbrush paint at full throttle that
went through the little jar in about 5 seconds. It was
in that moment I saw the potential for this contraption called
an airbrush and I knew I would dedicate myself to it for the
rest of my life.




rod stewart



journey-captured |
greatful dead |